Нерабочее время – пустая труба. В нерабочее время мы лежим на диване, много курим и пьём. Ходим в гости, много говорим, оправдываясь друг перед другом. Мы оправдываем наши поступки, отделяем от всего остального и говорим, что в праве существовать самостоятельно. Тут нам начинает казаться, что мы обладаем всем, что есть вне нас.
прогулки с единственным понимающим человеком раз в полгода- как глоток свежего воздуха. а потом кто-то невидимый снова топит тебя в бочке с ледяной водой
. I see you standing there And you are unaware you're shining so bright
you keep on telling me you don't know what I see I see your light
You need to know Who you are - to me
You are a satellite You're shooting through the sky You leave the world behind You are a satellite You're with the stars at night I love to see you fly
You're brighter than the moon And all the planets too But you don't believe
Cause you've seen the Milky Way You don't know how I could say That you're more beautiful to me
Leave all your worries below And know
. I'm not strong enough to stay away. Can't run from you, I just run back to you. Like a moth I'm drawn into your flame, Say my name, but it's not the same. You look in my eyes; I'm stripped of my pride. And my soul surrenders, and you bring my heart to it's knees.
And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay. I'm so confused, so hard to choose. Between the pleasure and the pain. And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right. Even if I try to win the fight, My heart would overrule my mind. And I'm not strong enough to stay away...
I'm not strong enough to stay away. What can I do? I would die without you. And your presence in my heart knows no shame. I'm not to blame, Cause you bring my heart to its knees.
And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay. I'm so confused, so hard to choose. Between the pleasure and the pain. And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right. Even if I try to win the fight, My heart would overrule my mind. And I'm not strong enough to stay away...
There's nothing I can do, My heart is chained to you. And I can't get free, Look what this love did to me.
And it's killin' me when you're away, I wanna leave and I wanna stay. I'm so confused, so hard to choose. Between the pleasure and the pain. And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right. Even if I try to win the fight, My heart would overrule my mind. And I'm not strong enough to stay away...
сначала впереди две недели каникул, море идей и планов, а потом на улице слишком холодно и все лень. и опять унылое говно сидит дома и продолжает умирать с тоски и скуки как предсказуемо и банально. и прискорбно
Меня закинули под стул, Но был я слаб и глуп. Холодный ветер в щели дул И попадал мне в зуб. Мне было так лежать нескладно, Я был и глуп и слаб. Но атмосфера так прохладна Когда бы не была-б, Я на полу-б лежал бесзвучно, Раскинувши тулуп. Но так лежать безумно скучно: Я слишком слаб и глуп.